Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday Night

It was our last day working in Pitesti. We began in the morning and had studies all afternoon. First we finished up a study of the book of Revelation with Florena. Then after a while we had discussions with two ladies who were from a pentecostal background. After we finished up with the Bible studies we retired to our apartment and made our plans to leave for Bucuresti tomorrow.

I cannot say enough good things about those involved with the work we tried to do here in Pitesti. Liviu and Ben are two young men that are serious about the gospel and dependable in every sense of the word. Sometimes I feel it would be much better to just sit back and watch them work in the gospel for they are both competent teachers. There were times when I just marveled at how fast Ben was picking up the language again. It had been 9 years since he had been in Romania.

Florena was a gracious host to our efforts to teach the gospel. She brought us students and made her home available to us for classes. We spent about 6 or 7 hours a day in her apartment studying with her and those who came for Bible studies. We covered a lot of ground with a lot of people, some of whom I remember teaching two years ago (October 2006). I hope that in time God will give the increase for these efforts.

I have several contacts with whom I plan to communicate through email. Perhaps in time this avenue will also open up other possibilities for the gospel.

For those who have followed our progress through this blog and have supported us with prayers and encouragement, I hope this information related through the internet has been an encouragement to you. If I have a chance in Bucuresti, I will update again before we return home early next week. Until then, may God bless you all.

In Him,
alan, with Liviu and Ben

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Friday morning

It is morning here... Friday, my last day in Pitesti. It has been a busy three weeks. The seed has been sown. Whether there will be a harvest or not remains to be determined. Already there is one soul in Pitesti who has turned her heart back to God. She is an open door for the gospel in this area. I remain impressed with the manner in which Florena Predescu has opened her house to us and brought her friends to study with us.

Looking at the situation from a strategic point of view, Pitesti has always been a good place to begin a work in the gospel. There have been efforts in the past to preach the gospel here. Florena is the result of such efforts and she is indeed a Christian. She has to travel every Sunday to be with Christians in order to worship. It is a journey she makes faithfully. How much the better if she would have brethren here in this city with whom to worship and serve God.

This weekend I will be in Bucuresti. Next Tuesday we will return home. It is my fervent prayer that in all parts of Romania the gospel will be preached and good hearts will be found. May God send forth workers into His harvest.

in Him,

Thursday in Pitesti

It is almost midnight and we are in the apartment. It has been a long day. After Ben and I returned to Pitesti, we had some Bible studies at Florena's apartment. There was a lady there named Elena from the Pentecostal church. Later, we had the Pentecostal preacher come by for a study. I was impressed with the sincerity and the humility of the man. In many ways his approach to the Bible was the same as mine. He also shared many of the complaints I have against the Pentecostal doctrines. After only one study it is hard to say where our discussions my lead, but I was very encouraged by the sort time we had together. Perhaps with further study we will be able to discover how much common ground we share and how much difference actually exists between us.

After the studies we went to see Veronica. She seems unchanged in some ways and yet different in one most important way. The old spark, the joy, the zeal for life that she manifested in the early years when we were in the church together seemed diminished. Perhaps I only saw her after a long day at work, but I cannot help but think there is more to it. She received us with gladness and was extremely happy to see how Ben had grown. She also listened when I tried to talk to her again about her soul and the eternal destinies that await us after this life is over. I spoke of the need that her children have to know God... and to know the truth. We left after our short visit there and returned at last to our apartment. We have only one more day here in Pitesti. We will begin studies at Florena's again sometime after 10 AM on Friday.

in Him,
Alan, Ben and Liviu


I am back from Falfani. It is Thursday morning here in Pitesti. Ben and I had a quick trip to the village. We left yesterday afternoon and returned this morning. It was a visit I felt I needed to make.

Last night we had a visit with Florina and her son, Dragos. We talked about things from the past. We talked about eternal things that remain to be settled in the future. We looked at some pictures and then went to sleep. It was late when we got to bed.

In the morning when I awoke they were gone gone to work. That was as expected as they start their day early. Dragos is working in construction and Florina has a job at a bakery. We did not expect them to take time off work to entertain us. It was just so good to have the evening together.

Early today I went to the cemetery and found where they had laid my friend, Vasile, to rest. He died last year in August. Sometimes I regret so much not being able to be here during that time. But, finally I was able to make this visit and pay my respects to my departed brother in Christ. It was early and we were alone there, as Ben was still sleeping. I feel like at last I can rest in my heart knowing that he is resting in Abraham's bosom. In saying this I do not presume to judge his eternal state of affairs. I only trust in the promise of God to those who have faith. Vasilie Tanase was man who became a child of God late in life, but from all that I know about him it was a conversion born of sincerity. May God be merciful to all who humble themselves and repent,, trusting in the blood of Jesus.

in Him,

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is late Tuesday night here and if I do not hurry with this update it will be early Wednesday morning before I get it posted. Too late, it is already past midnight. Our internet connection was not working earlier in the evening. However, for now it is back and again I am in contact with the outside world. I do want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement. I have expressed to Ben and Liviu the words you have sent. They, too, are grateful for the support.

Today we began our studies again in the home of Florena Predescu. Our student today was Ilie, an older man who has an interest in Bible study and has been almost daily to her house for lessons. Today I pressed him a little concerning how he was thinking, what he was thinking and perhaps it will bear fruit in the future. That is one thing that I am trying to emphasize this week and that is the need for each individual to know what he / she believes and to take a stand for truth. Perhaps there are enough believers here in Pitesti to begin a small work. But, only more work and a little more time will tell if such is available. May God give the increase.

Tomorrow afternoon (after our studies) I plan to go to Falfani for one night. Ben will travel with me. It is a visit that I need to make, although it is not one that I am really looking forward to making. It seems to me that almost everyone that is dear to me from that village is no longer there. Mrs. Tanase is in Spain and will not return until early July. She went there to help take care of her grandchild, a daughter of Steluta. Geta is also in Spain (in Madrid). Elena is in the US. Of all the sisters, only Florina remains in Falfani. She will be our host for this visit and I spoke with her today on the phone. She is very glad to have us come and will treat us like family. Of that I am certain.

The other Tanase, and I am speaking of Vasile, is still in a way there in the village. He passed away about a year ago and is buried in an obscure corner of the orthodox cemetery. The last time I was in Romania I was present when he and Ana celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Already at that time he was very sick. But, he is resting now. Because he became a Christian, he went to a better place where those who have faith in Christ receive a heavenly reward.

My purpose for visiting Falfani is two-fold. I want to pay my respects to my brother, Vasile. That is something that has been in my heart to do since he passed away. But, more important I want to try to talk to his daughter, Florina, about the gospel. In every visit that I have made to Falfani I have tried in every way I know to touch her heart with the message of salvation. I will try again tomorrow... and Thursday morning. Perhaps God will open her heart as He has done with her parents and two of her sisters before her. I pray to God that they will all see the need to repent toward God and be saved through faith in Jesus.

For this purpose I continue to try with all in the Tanase family, even with the grandchildren. This past Sunday I spend a most pleasant day with some of the brethren from Bucuresti and with Anda, Geta's daughter. She is granddaughter to Ana Tanase. Anda is all grown up now and lives in Bucuresti. I have already spoken to her and mentioned that I want to talk to her about the gospel. This I will try to do this coming Sunday when I see her again in Bucuresti.

Time is really flying by us now as we press forward in our work. I called George Badara and I do not think he will join us here in Pitest. I am really sorry that this opportunity was missed by him. But, sometimes the best plans do not work out like you wanted. Maybe in the future there will be other opportunities for us to work together.

One more thing I hope to do while in Pitesti is to meet with Veronica. She was disciplined by the church in Bucuresti during the time that I was in Romania. She left her faith and has been living outside the grace of God for about ten years now. Every time I am here I try to make arrangements to see her and encourage her to think about repenting. I have used every argument in my possession. On one occasion I picked up a nail and asked for her hand. I pressed it into her palm, not so much as to draw blood, but enough to hurt a little - and I reminded her of the nails that pressed into the hands of Jesus to bring us our salvation. At such a great cost we received the forgiveness of our sins, the price being the precious blood of Our Lord.

I believe I did this a second time some years later (I had forgotten that I had made this point before). It was Vero who reminded me that she already had one nail and this was a second. Now that I am older I do tend to forget things. But, she had not forgotten. And I will not forget her, nor the others who have left the faith here in Romania. As much as is in me I will continue to work for their return, to encourage them to repent. Who knows if perhaps the Lord will work in the hearts of those who oppose themselves, those who have lost their way.

Let me close now as it is almost 1 AM. I am not so tired now, but I surely need to sleep. This is the latest I have stayed up since I have been here and even now I am afraid that the boys will be up before me tomorrow (not). If that should ever happen it will surely spoil my image in their eyes. I would not want that to happen.

noapte buna,

Monday, May 26, 2008

Back in Pitesti

It is Monday and I have returned to Pitesti. Liviu, Ben and I arrived in the early afternoon and we are making plans for our evening here. I would like to go down into the center of town this evening and hand out some flyers. Our studies with Florena and her friends will begin again tomorrow. Like us, Florena was in Bucuresti for the weekend - and to worship with the church in Bucuresti.

Sunday was an interesting day in many ways. There was a group of Americans from Florida who had been in Bucuresti for a time. These were teachers who had been invited by the church in Bucuresti to come and work with them. Their status in the church here was different than ours, as we (Ben and I) were simply visitors. That is certainly as it should be. The church in Bucuresti had not invited us to come and work with them. Our work is in other places with those who had asked us to come and help them in the gospel. It just happens that we are in Bucuresti now for the weekends. I am looking forward to being in Bucuresti next weekend, our last before we return to the US on June 3.

There is much that happened yesterday that needs a fuller discussion and perhaps in time I will revisit our visit to Bucuresti and relate some of the things that happened. But, for now I will take some time to reflect on things that were said to me by some of the Christians there.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Saturday before leaving for Bucuresti

It is Saturday morning and we will soon be going back to Bucuresti for the weekend. We will stay with Cezar andalso worship with the church there on Sunday. Our plan is to return to Pitesti on Monday and continue our studies here for another week.

Yesterday we started our studies at 10 AM with an orthodox lady. After a brief pause for lunch our studies continued with an older man and later another lady. It was 6 PM before we left Florena's apartment. I had used my laptop to make some corrections on our flyer. Also, I was using it to teach a lesson when the battery decided it was tired (expended). But, as I was near the end of the presentation, it was no small thing to finish up with the Bible.

In fact that is what I am trying to impress on our students here, the idea that the Word of God is the principle thing. I am seeking to lead them OUT of the human traditions and doctrines that make them what they are. Our message is simple. Follow the scriptures and you will be simply a Christian.

After a day of Bible studies, we went down into the center of town to get some more flyers printed. Having a corrected version made me feel better about what we were handing out to people. I was a little disappointed at how many mistakes got past us in the first version. The Romanians have a saying the goes like this "graba strica treaba". Our proverb that comes closest to this is "haste makes waste". However, a more literal understanding of their saying would translate into "to hurry is to spoil what you are doing".

here is one of our students reading our flyer

After we finished with our printing we decided to take a little stroll downtown - something that would give me an opportunity to hand out some flyers. Being a Friday evening it seemed like everyone was out for a stroll. In any event we passed out quite a few brochures, even trading some with the men at an election booth. I was able to talk to about a half dozen people, some only for a few words, others for more lengthy discussions.

I am finding that having a book of charts in the Romanian language is more than a little helpful. One man who took a flyer asked me what is the way of salvation. I opened up my chart book and showed him a graphic illustration of how a man must hear the word, believe, repent, confess Christ and then be baptized. For me this makes my work so much easier than if I were left to explain all these ideas in their language just standing there on the street. It is not that I could not do it. It would just take a lot more time. Having the charts simplifies my work in that the people can SEE what I am trying to say.

Another example would be the study with the orthodox lady yesterday. I was able to move quickly through a lot of information by showing her charts that illustrated the teaching I was setting forth. I believe the teaching helped her to see the difference between just following the scriptures (alone) and trying to hold to both scripture and human tradition at the same time. It was a strong lesson made stronger by the visual materials that kept her attention on the points being made from scripture.

I do not want to overburden anyone reading this blog with detailed account after account of every study we have. I am sure the details alone would overwhelm even the most interested reader. But, I would like you to have a taste of what we are trying to do here. Liviu is a great help to me. Ben is having studies on his own "in Romanian". I feel blessed to have two such workers with me on this trip. I am sure that men like Liviu and Ben are the future for the church, wherever they will be. They are such an encouragement to me and to those they touch.

I will close for now. When I get to Bucuresti I may try to send a weekend update. IF not, I will be back with something early next week when we are back in Pitesti.

in Him,
alan (with Liviu and Ben who are sleeping while I write this report)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What does it mean to vote for God?

We are back in the apartment, it is Thursday night and the week is flying by us. This morning was very busy, as was the afternoon. We finished up the brochure to hand out on the streets, got some printed and even passed some out downtown in the morning. We will use these this weekend and next week here in Pitesti and perhaps we will find someone who is interested in studying the scriptures.

Already today we found one man who was very interested in knowing more about what we believe. He was not from Pitesti, but was here for a doctor's appointment and it just happened that we met and started talking (after I handed him a brochure). After getting a table and studying through various charts dealing with the "way toward salvation", we found that we had a lot of agreement on the whole plan of God. It is unusual to find people who understand the role of baptism together with faith and repentance, but Gheorge was impressed that we believed like him. He is currently NOT attending a church anywhere. I got something of an address from him and promised to send him some study materials. Perhaps in the future this contact will develop into more than just a chance meeting. Gheorge has already invited us to come to his town (village) to preach to the people there.

After our trip downtown we went to Florena's apartment for more studies. I was not feeling so great, so Ben took the first study while I rested in the back room. After an hour I felt much better and the studies and discussions continued for hours. All total we were another five hours in her apartment with non-stop Bible discussions. There was one lady in particular who had a lot of questions. It is easier for me to try to provide answers to Bible questions than to just flounder around looking for a topic that may or may not interest someone. All in all, our discussions were good. Tomorrow we will begin earlier in the day, as Florena has a student scheduled for 10 AM,

I hate to mention that it rained on us when we went out this morning. It was not so hard, the rain did not drench us. However, it made me think about buying an umbrella. Ben, on the other hand, has his outfit carefully designed for any situation. He had a hood on his jacket... and talked about how even if his pants get wet, they would dry in ten minutes. Liviu walked in the rain with no hat, no jacket... just a T-shirt. I guess all of this just depends on how you see things. For me, I am thinking "umbrella".

Let me mention one more thing before I close today's update. There was a moment during the studies today when one of the older ladies turned to the lady beside her and made a comment about Liviu. It was in Romanian, but I understood perfectly what she said and felt compelled to respond. Whether she was asking a question or making a statement (it doesn't matter) she indicated that Liviu was a "translator for money". I felt compelled to set that matter straight, as it called into question his integrity - and if it had passed without correction could have led to a lessening of Liviu's influence among the people we were trying to teach.

To my knowledge, Liviu has never taken money for translating when working in the gospel. He has been "accused of such" before and it hurt him deeply, mainly because he knew that it was NOT true and he did not see any reason why anyone would accuse him of doing it. I have found in Liviu quite the opposite attitude. He will give, spend and be spent in the service of God and he does NOT expect to be paid for his efforts. I find his approach to such things refreshing and I have a great deal of confidence in him as a co-worker in Christ.

I went on to explain to the ladies in the study how those who serve God should do so from the heart, not for what they will get in their pockets. It was a good study and they received the teaching with a great deal of appreciation. They said they had not seen so much of this attitude among the priests and preachers that they know. It is our hope to acquaint them with a different approach to the gospel, one more associated with giving than receiving.

Acts 20:32-36 And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified. 33. I coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. 34. Ye yourselves know that these hands ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. 35. In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. 36. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Leave a comment...

For those who are reading this blog (both of you :), I hope that the information is what you are looking for in the sense that you want to know how things are going on this trip. I am very thankful to have the opportunity to be here and to teach people the gospel. I am most grateful for the church in Morgantown, WV for sending me and supporting me to be here. But, I am also very thankful for those who read about the trip and continue to pray for us.

If it is not too much to ask, how about leave a short comment when you visit. It means a lot to us that you are following our progress in this work.

We have almost finished our brochure "What does it mean to VOTE for God". I will try to post a sampling of it when it is ready

always... in His care
alan, Ben & Liviu

Studies in Pitesti

It is Thursday night and we are in the apartment after a long day outside. It is raining now, the first rain we have seen since we came to Romania more than a week ago. The weather in Constanta was very pleasant and even here in Pitesti we have had sunny days... until now. But, this rain is welcome and we hope it will cool things down a little and take away some of the dust.

For the last two days we have had studies at Florena Predescu's apartment. Tuesday the studies ran for more than five hours without a break, but who wants to complain? Not me. We began with two separate studies going in two different rooms. I had a class with some older people, while Ben and Liviu studied with a young man who was a theology student. They did not know he was a theology student during the study, but only found out today (the day after). Anyway, after hours of study we wound things up and returned to our apartment for the evening.

Today (Wednesday) we began our day in the center of town looking for a computer repair shop. My laptop would not start since we came to Pitesti, but it turned out to be a big nothing. After taking out the ram memory and putting it back again, things are working perfectly. After that we went to Florena's apartment and had more studies. They lasted until early evening and were longer than the day before. Our students were varied, but we had one man who had come from the day before - and one lady with whom I had studied almost two years before. Our lessons covered a wide variety of topics.

One thing we are working on tonight is brochure to hand out in the streets. Next month Romania will have national and local elections and the streets are full of young people handing out flyers for the candidates. The theme for our flyer will center around what it means to "vote" for God / Jesus. With this we hope to capitalize on the election frenzy and direct people's attention back to a more important subject. If I can get our flyer ready tonight, we will try to print some tomorrow.

I will try to keep this blog updated as things happen. This weekend we will return to Bucuresti for worship, but our plan is to be back in Pitesti next Monday to continue our efforts here until we have to leave.

One final note... I am impressed with the way that Ben is picking up the language again after being gone for 9 years. He is communicating well enough to be understood and is absolutely fearless in his efforts to communicate. He has been a big help to me in so many ways. I hope this trip will encourage him to make more trips to Romania in the future for the purpose of preaching the gospel.

in Him,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Arrival in Pitesti

It is Tuesday morning and we are preparing for the day. Ben is in the kitchen and I am at the computer trying to get an update to this blog before we make a visit to Florena Predescu for Bible studies. I am looking forward to this week and the one that will follow. Some may ask why we are in Pitesti. That is a fair question.

When I lived in Romania (1995-1999) I worked with a church in Bucuresti. However, every Sunday we would travel to a small village named Falfani to have worship in the home of the Tanase family. Pitesti was ”in between” Bucuresti and Pitesti and we passed by it every Sunday on our way to the village. Even though there is already an institutional church in Pitesti, it has always been my hope to establish a sound work there. Some may object to that idea thinking there is already a church of Christ in Pitesti, but such is not a problem with which I care to occupy myself. My aim is simply to preach Christ and make disciples that will hold to the pattern of sound words.

There is already one Christian here, a lady named Florena Predescu. I have had Bible studies before in her home and she is a good example of zeal in evangelism. We are here in this visit at her invitation. If we are able to restore some soul to God during these next two weeks, then perhaps she will not be alone in her faith here in this place. In any event, we will work hard these next two weeks and see if the Lord will give an increase.

With regard to the work in Constanta, I am not sure how much I want to say. I could just simply say that the few brethren that remain in that city are struggling. But, that would not begin to tell the story of how the work in Constanta has degraded to the state that it is in now. Without some serious help and encouragement, it is my opinion that the work in Constanta is on the verge of disappearing. Even if the Badara family and Doru can hold onto their faith, the work there is in danger.

Of the many who were converted in Constanta, most have either moved away, fallen away, or simply gone over to the Baptist church. I spoke at length Sunday night with Vali, a man who had been in the church of Christ almost since the very beginning of the work there. He spoke of his discouragement with the church and even mentioned the influence Bogdan is having to lead people out of the church of Christ into the Baptist church. It seems that this would confirm my previous opinion concerning the evil influence Bogdan is having among the brethren. Even though Bogdan was recently put out of the Baptist church (for the second time, no less) and has no intention of returning to the Baptists, he has worked hard to bring members from the church of Christ to the Baptists - most of this before he was recently cast out by them.

Perhaps this summer with the coming of other workers, George and Rodica, together with Iulian and Doru will find the encouragement and help they need to continue on in their faith. It is difficult for me to see the church in Constanta at such a low level after having known of earlier times when zeal and faithfulness was so much in abundance. Who would have ever thought that things could change so much, so fast - but, change they have and what remains needs a big boost to help them get back on track.

As for the work in Pitesti, there really is not anything here to speak of beyond the one soul that has been converted. But, even as I write this I am mindful of the huge difference in attitude between Florena (in Pitesti) and those in Constanta. Even though she is the only Christian here, her outlook is positive and optimistic. She looks forward to a time when there might be Christians here with whom she can worship - without having to travel all the way to Bucuresti (or Falfani). I also look to a time when there will be a church in Pitesti where the Christians here can be a light to the rest of the world.

Until then, I will try to keep you posted.

IN HIM, alan (with Ben and Liviu)

And he said unto them, The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest. - Luke 10 vs. 2

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Preparing to leave Constanta

Sunday Night - The last two days have shown to us the worst and the best of things as they relate to the situation with the Christians here in Constanta. As far as the brethren here are concerned, I have seen only good things. Even though they are somewhat discouraged, they remain cautiously hopeful that the future will bring them better circumstances. But, the discussions we had Saturday night with a man who had formerly been with the Baptist church were a disaster.

Ben and I visited an acquaintance of George, a man known from a number of years past, a man who was well known by the former American preacher who spent years in Constanta. I, also, have had dealings with this man during a previous visit I made to Romania (2005). The discussion (?) went around and around in circles. It was impossible to get a straight answer from him. However, every indication leads me to believe he still holds to various denominational ideas - AND that he is not open to receive the truth. I have expressed to the brethren here that this man represents a real danger to the work in Constanta. Time will tell if I am right, or not.

The good things we have seen include the worship period today. The Badara family was present, as well as Doru. Ben and I rounded out the company. We worshipped, sang hymns to God and prayed together. They asked me to preach a sermon, which I did from Galatians. After we took our leave of the brethren, we returned to the apartment to prepare for a return trip to Bucuresti on Monday; then, on to Pitesti. Liviu will be waiting for us... tomorrow.

In Him,alan

Friday, May 16, 2008

Discussions in Constanta

It is late Friday night here in Constanta. For the last two evenings Ben and I have been in discussions with the few Christians here. George and Rodica, with Iulian (their son) and Doru have met with Ben and me to talk about things - and to study the Bible. We have done both. We have talked about a number of different subjects and we have studied the Bible. It is hard sometimes to evaluate what has been said.

The church here in Constanta faces many challenges. They are few in number. They are somewhat discouraged. They are not altogether in agreement on some matters of judgment. Perhaps even in some areas of doctrine they are struggling to find common ground. It will take some time to sort things out here. I am not sure I will be able to do it before I leave next week for Pitesti. But, then again it is not my place to take their decisions for them. I can advise, instruct, even "coach" if that is what they want. But, in the end it will be their responsibility to determine their own direction.

Tomorrow I have been invited to have a discussion with a man who wants to be a part of the church here in Constanta. He was baptized in the Baptist church some years ago. He was put out of the Baptist church here in Constanta recently. However his wife and daughters still attend there. He made an effort to return to the Baptist church after they put him out, but they refused to receive him back. Now he wants to be with us. Perhaps tomorrow I will learn what is the difference between this man... and a Baptist... and ask him how he can be in fellowship with us when his family and his recent past have been and are so closely linked with the Baptist church. I am looking forward to hearing how he justifies this change, or even if he has really "changed" his beliefs.

Preparations have already been made for a work in Pitesti. Next week we will begin there. This weekend we will remain here in Constanta and do what we can to encourage and build up the saints here.

In Him,

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Safe Arrival in Romania

It is Wednesday evening, May 14 - and Ben and I are safely in Constanta, Romania. This is the first opportunity we have had to post an update. We arrived in Bucuresti yesterday and Marian Otvos met us at the airport. He brought us into the city and to the apartment of Cezar Nistor. There we spent the night, but not before visiting with Cezar and Liviu. It was good to see the some of the brethren again. I am looking forward to spending more time with Liviu later when we go to Pitesti.

Our plan is to spend the rest of this week with the brethren here in Constanta. Ben and I are staying in an apartment owned by Nicoleta McCall's parents. They graciously invited us to stay here and Vasile and Doina Razdarojni met us at the train station. Also at the airport was Doru. He came with his car and brought us all to the apartment. After Niki's parents left, Doru stayed for a short Bible study. I hope to have more time with him here this week.

Tomorrow, we hope to begin studies with the brethren here in Constanta. The church is in need of encouragment. They are few and face many challenges. It is our great hope that they will continue to reach forward to the prize and upward calling that is in Christ Jesus. Therein lies our salvation.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

2008 Trip to Romania

I am leaving on Monday, May 12, 2008 for a three week visit in Romania. It is my hope to see brethren in Bucuresti, Constanta and Pitesti. While I will be working primarily in Constanta and Pitesti, I will be passing through Bucuresti and it is my plan to see some of the Christians there, even spending a night or two with Cezar.

For those may be interested in following the progress of this trip, I will do my best to keep this blog updated. Even as I write this now, I am aware that I have forgotten already how to include pictures in this report. I will have to relearn all of those things, as well as make sure I find a place to access the internet in Romania. Minor obstacles, but hurdles that will have to be surmounted. Lord willing, we will be able to stay in contact.

My son, Ben Williamson, will be traveling with me on this trip. I am looking forward to working with him in the gospel. Ben was baptized in Romania during the time that we lived there (1995-1996). In fact two of my four children obeyed the gospel in Romania (Adam and Ben). Both of these young men have decided to devote themselves to preaching the gospel. It is my hope that they will be inclined to include preaching in Romania in their plans sometime in the future. Perhaps God will open a door for them.

As for my plans for the future, I will be in Romania in 2008. After this trip I do not know what future years will bring. I only know that it is in my heart to serve the Lord in whatever place He leads me. However, I am thankful that He is leading me to Romania next week.

Alan Williamson
Morgantown, WV