
I am back from Falfani. It is Thursday morning here in Pitesti. Ben and I had a quick trip to the village. We left yesterday afternoon and returned this morning. It was a visit I felt I needed to make.
Last night we had a visit with Florina and her son, Dragos. We talked about things from the past. We talked about eternal things that remain to be settled in the future. We looked at some pictures and then went to sleep. It was late when we got to bed.
In the morning when I awoke they were gone gone to work. That was as expected as they start their day early. Dragos is working in construction and Florina has a job at a bakery. We did not expect them to take time off work to entertain us. It was just so good to have the evening together.

Early today I went to the cemetery and found where they had laid my friend, Vasile, to rest. He died last year in August. Sometimes I regret so much not being able to be here during that time. But, finally I was able to make this visit and pay my respects to my departed brother in Christ. It was early and we were alone there, as Ben was still sleeping. I feel like at last I can rest in my heart knowing that he is resting in Abraham's bosom. In saying this I do not presume to judge his eternal state of affairs. I only trust in the promise of God to those who have faith. Vasilie Tanase was man who became a child of God late in life, but from all that I know about him it was a conversion born of sincerity. May God be merciful to all who humble themselves and repent,, trusting in the blood of Jesus.
in Him,
Alan, I am sure it has been a trying time for you in many ways. Bringing up old memories, some good and some bad. I have every confidence in your ability to teach those folks the gospel and to show them the way of salvation. Bless you for your efforts and your ability and determinition to want to continue to do what you can to help the folks in Romania.
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