What does it mean to vote for God?

We are back in the apartment, it is Thursday night and the week is flying by us. This morning was very busy, as was the afternoon. We finished up the brochure to hand out on the streets, got some printed and even passed some out downtown in the morning. We will use these this weekend and next week here in Pitesti and perhaps we will find someone who is interested in studying the scriptures.
Already today we found one man who was very interested in knowing more about what we believe. He was not from Pitesti, but was here for a doctor's appointment and it just happened that we met and started talking (after I handed him a brochure). After getting a table and studying through various charts dealing with the "way toward salvation", we found that we had a lot of agreement on the whole plan of God. It is unusual to find people who understand the role of baptism together with faith and repentance, but Gheorge was impressed that we believed like him. He is currently NOT attending a church anywhere. I got something of an address from him and promised to send him some study materials. Perhaps in the future this contact will develop into more than just a chance meeting. Gheorge has already invited us to come to his town (village) to preach to the people there.
After our trip downtown we went to Florena's apartment for more studies. I was not feeling so great, so Ben took the first study while I rested in the back room. After an hour I felt much better and the studies and discussions continued for hours. All total we were another five hours in her apartment with non-stop Bible discussions. There was one lady in particular who had a lot of questions. It is easier for me to try to provide answers to Bible questions than to just flounder around looking for a topic that may or may not interest someone. All in all, our discussions were good. Tomorrow we will begin earlier in the day, as Florena has a student scheduled for 10 AM,
I hate to mention that it rained on us when we went out this morning. It was not so hard, the rain did not drench us. However, it made me think about buying an umbrella. Ben, on the other hand, has his outfit carefully designed for any situation. He had a hood on his jacket... and talked about how even if his pants get wet, they would dry in ten minutes. Liviu walked in the rain with no hat, no jacket... just a T-shirt. I guess all of this just depends on how you see things. For me, I am thinking "umbrella".
Let me mention one more thing before I close today's update. There was a moment during the studies today when one of the older ladies turned to the lady beside her and made a comment about Liviu. It was in Romanian, but I understood perfectly what she said and felt compelled to respond. Whether she was asking a question or making a statement (it doesn't matter) she indicated that Liviu was a "translator for money". I felt compelled to set that matter straight, as it called into question his integrity - and if it had passed without correction could have led to a lessening of Liviu's influence among the people we were trying to teach.

To my knowledge, Liviu has never taken money for translating when working in the gospel. He has been "accused of such" before and it hurt him deeply, mainly because he knew that it was NOT true and he did not see any reason why anyone would accuse him of doing it. I have found in Liviu quite the opposite attitude. He will give, spend and be spent in the service of God and he does NOT expect to be paid for his efforts. I find his approach to such things refreshing and I have a great deal of confidence in him as a co-worker in Christ.
I went on to explain to the ladies in the study how those who serve God should do so from the heart, not for what they will get in their pockets. It was a good study and they received the teaching with a great deal of appreciation. They said they had not seen so much of this attitude among the priests and preachers that they know. It is our hope to acquaint them with a different approach to the gospel, one more associated with giving than receiving.
Acts 20:32-36 And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified. 33. I coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. 34. Ye yourselves know that these hands ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. 35. In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. 36. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all.
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Ben, I know; it was nice to meet Liviu ... and good that you could set right an error. You keep setting - we'll keep praying!
In HIM, Peni
hey Alan! Dad and I were reading your blog, and are glad to see your progress. Well, Dad basicly took the words right out my mouth in the comment after this one.(he took over mid comment.) May the Lord continue to help you all and keep you safe! Miss you!
P.s. When I'm older I still want to help you in Romania. :)
Alan, we are greatly encouraged by the efforts of all of you; you, Ben, Florena, and Liviu for the fellowship in this work. The work you all are doing is an inspiration to us back here. We are with you all in spirit, thoughts, and prayers. The Lord has opened new doors of opportunity in Romania this week. His word will not return void. May He continue to bless your efforts. Thank you Liviu and Florena for your service to the Lord for working with Alan and Ben to make this possible. In Him, David
My heart is rejoicing reading about the open minds that are out there, trying to make sense out this life. It is not short of a miracle everyone's conversion to Christ and all three of you are blessed to be part of this. In the same time, my heart is heavy with the sorrow of knowing that my brethren in my home town have lost the hope and the joy of being in Christ. This would have been a great experience for George, to witness the beginning of another church and bring him back to the time when the Church in Constanta had its start. Wish you all the strength and the wisdom!
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