Back in Pitesti
It is Monday and I have returned to Pitesti. Liviu, Ben and I arrived in the early afternoon and we are making plans for our evening here. I would like to go down into the center of town this evening and hand out some flyers. Our studies with Florena and her friends will begin again tomorrow. Like us, Florena was in Bucuresti for the weekend - and to worship with the church in Bucuresti.
Sunday was an interesting day in many ways. There was a group of Americans from Florida who had been in Bucuresti for a time. These were teachers who had been invited by the church in Bucuresti to come and work with them. Their status in the church here was different than ours, as we (Ben and I) were simply visitors. That is certainly as it should be. The church in Bucuresti had not invited us to come and work with them. Our work is in other places with those who had asked us to come and help them in the gospel. It just happens that we are in Bucuresti now for the weekends. I am looking forward to being in Bucuresti next weekend, our last before we return to the US on June 3.
There is much that happened yesterday that needs a fuller discussion and perhaps in time I will revisit our visit to Bucuresti and relate some of the things that happened. But, for now I will take some time to reflect on things that were said to me by some of the Christians there.
i finally got the chance to catch up on all your entries this morning (day off of work)....i hope you're taking a LOT of pictures...tell Liviu that i find it really encouraging how he has not only stuck around this long, but is still an active participant in the work...and to remember when he's feeling discouraged that people on the other side of world care about him and what he does in his life will, and already does influence the world for the better.
hugs for ben. has anyone confused him with a neonazi yet? (skinhead) i still remember that old lady in the market accusing me of being a russian spy when i tried to buy potatoes from her....who knew i spoke romanian with a russian accent?
Hey Alan! I'm still keeping you in thought and prayer. I really can't wait for you guys to come back! I only have 9 days of school left and am looking forward to the summer to do more evangilism (and Fishing!) keep up the good work! all of you!!!
In Him,
Kaitlin : )
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iacov asta se intimpla azi poate in multe bisericii,unde este centrul ,dumnezeu,care ne-a strapuns inima cu jertfa fiului sau ,am luat libertatea si am puso linaga cea lumeasca,ce va urma ?catolicism ,ortodoxism,poate acum 1500 de anii au fost la fel ca noii simpli crestinii care vroiau sa lucreze pt. dumnezeu dar sa faca acasa ce vor ei si au adus casa in biserica,ma refer in primul rind la mine si la cei care stiu cuvintul dar nu-l traiesc.
pavel a fost primit bine ori de cite ori se ducea pe unde a lasat cuvintul ca parinte cum il numesc fratii si sa tinem cont au fost bisericii care au fost mustrate pt. comportamentul lor ,cred ca daca avem ceva azi care produce neliniste nu se gasesc niste fratii mai cu duhul sfint sa judece? ranile se mai vindeca uneori dar acolo unde te-ai fript no sa mai pui pielea aproape niciodata.
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