Saturday before leaving for Bucuresti
It is Saturday morning and we will soon be going back to Bucuresti for the weekend. We will stay with Cezar andalso worship with the church there on Sunday. Our plan is to return to Pitesti on Monday and continue our studies here for another week.
Yesterday we started our studies at 10 AM with an orthodox lady. After a brief pause for lunch our studies continued with an older man and later another lady. It was 6 PM before we left Florena's apartment. I had used my laptop to make some corrections on our flyer. Also, I was using it to teach a lesson when the battery decided it was tired (expended). But, as I was near the end of the presentation, it was no small thing to finish up with the Bible.
In fact that is what I am trying to impress on our students here, the idea that the Word of God is the principle thing. I am seeking to lead them OUT of the human traditions and doctrines that make them what they are. Our message is simple. Follow the scriptures and you will be simply a Christian.
After a day of Bible studies, we went down into the center of town to get some more flyers printed. Having a corrected version made me feel better about what we were handing out to people. I was a little disappointed at how many mistakes got past us in the first version. The Romanians have a saying the goes like this "graba strica treaba". Our proverb that comes closest to this is "haste makes waste". However, a more literal understanding of their saying would translate into "to hurry is to spoil what you are doing".
here is one of our students reading our flyer

After we finished with our printing we decided to take a little stroll downtown - something that would give me an opportunity to hand out some flyers. Being a Friday evening it seemed like everyone was out for a stroll. In any event we passed out quite a few brochures, even trading some with the men at an election booth. I was able to talk to about a half dozen people, some only for a few words, others for more lengthy discussions.
I am finding that having a book of charts in the Romanian language is more than a little helpful. One man who took a flyer asked me what is the way of salvation. I opened up my chart book and showed him a graphic illustration of how a man must hear the word, believe, repent, confess Christ and then be baptized. For me this makes my work so much easier than if I were left to explain all these ideas in their language just standing there on the street. It is not that I could not do it. It would just take a lot more time. Having the charts simplifies my work in that the people can SEE what I am trying to say.
Another example would be the study with the orthodox lady yesterday. I was able to move quickly through a lot of information by showing her charts that illustrated the teaching I was setting forth. I believe the teaching helped her to see the difference between just following the scriptures (alone) and trying to hold to both scripture and human tradition at the same time. It was a strong lesson made stronger by the visual materials that kept her attention on the points being made from scripture.
I do not want to overburden anyone reading this blog with detailed account after account of every study we have. I am sure the details alone would overwhelm even the most interested reader. But, I would like you to have a taste of what we are trying to do here. Liviu is a great help to me. Ben is having studies on his own "in Romanian". I feel blessed to have two such workers with me on this trip. I am sure that men like Liviu and Ben are the future for the church, wherever they will be. They are such an encouragement to me and to those they touch.
I will close for now. When I get to Bucuresti I may try to send a weekend update. IF not, I will be back with something early next week when we are back in Pitesti.
in Him,
alan (with Liviu and Ben who are sleeping while I write this report)
Alan, This is the second time I have tried to leave a comment on your posts. I finally gave up and I could not figure it out. My dear sweet wife was able to make the connection for me.
I do not mind details as you leave your reports of the work you all are doing over there. Others may not agree with me, but I enjoy reading about all you do there.
I have feen following your blogs and I know you are doing a good work by teaching those folks the simple word of God. Tradition is something that is rooted in the hearts of everyone and especially the old europe and the old world in general. It probably springs from Roman Catholism who are the worlds worst traditioanlists; and the most religious superstitious I believe.
Get your rest and stay healthy. Don't eat any more of those mushrooms!
Love you! Tell Ben I love him to and I am very proud of his determination and zeal in the work of the teaching of the gospel. It certain is a reason you have to be very pleased with him in that regard, and I know you are.
I look forward to hearing the progress of your work in Romania. I rejoice that you have found so many who are willing to study God's word. Keep up the good work.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your coworkers. Tell Liviu and Florena that I am encouraged by their zeal for God.
Love to you and Ben,
Hey Alan! I'm so glad that all your efforts are pulling through! I continue to pray that you'll continue to have success in Romania. I'm also glad that using the charts is helping, I know that when I actually SEE something it helps me. like a match.;)But don't do that to anyone over there! I really can't wait to see how your doing now, and how much progress you have made. Tell Ben I'm looking forward to his study in 1 & 2 Timothy, and tell Liviu and Florena to keep perservearing in Christ! Miss you!
~Kaitlin : )
Hey Alan,
It is so good to hear that things are going so well and that the people there are so receptive to your efforts...and as for the details, I don't mind them at all, I actually enjoy them. ^_^ Anyway, I hope that your trip to Bucuresti proves to be as profitable as your other efforts so far. Keep up the good work!
You, Ben, and Liviu continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you are preaching God's Word. Take care, all of you. Keep looking up! ^_^
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