Preparing to leave Constanta
Sunday Night - The last two days have shown to us the worst and the best of things as they relate to the situation with the Christians here in Constanta. As far as the brethren here are concerned, I have seen only good things. Even though they are somewhat discouraged, they remain cautiously hopeful that the future will bring them better circumstances. But, the discussions we had Saturday night with a man who had formerly been with the Baptist church were a disaster.
Ben and I visited an acquaintance of George, a man known from a number of years past, a man who was well known by the former American preacher who spent years in Constanta. I, also, have had dealings with this man during a previous visit I made to Romania (2005). The discussion (?) went around and around in circles. It was impossible to get a straight answer from him. However, every indication leads me to believe he still holds to various denominational ideas - AND that he is not open to receive the truth. I have expressed to the brethren here that this man represents a real danger to the work in Constanta. Time will tell if I am right, or not.
The good things we have seen include the worship period today. The Badara family was present, as well as Doru. Ben and I rounded out the company. We worshipped, sang hymns to God and prayed together. They asked me to preach a sermon, which I did from Galatians. After we took our leave of the brethren, we returned to the apartment to prepare for a return trip to Bucuresti on Monday; then, on to Pitesti. Liviu will be waiting for us... tomorrow.
In Him,alan
I thought ou you two most of the day yesterday as I stirred a pot of pintos with a Romanian spoon. Simple reminder of good work to be done; and dear hearts willing to take it up. God be with you both, and bless your every step for good.
(Job 4:4 KJV) Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees.
(Hebrews 12:12 KJV) Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We trust you are successful in encouraging and strengthening the good brethren there greet Liviu for me. God be with you and Ben (my favorite Williamson :))
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