Thursday in Pitesti

It is almost midnight and we are in the apartment. It has been a long day. After Ben and I returned to Pitesti, we had some Bible studies at Florena's apartment. There was a lady there named Elena from the Pentecostal church. Later, we had the Pentecostal preacher come by for a study. I was impressed with the sincerity and the humility of the man. In many ways his approach to the Bible was the same as mine. He also shared many of the complaints I have against the Pentecostal doctrines. After only one study it is hard to say where our discussions my lead, but I was very encouraged by the sort time we had together. Perhaps with further study we will be able to discover how much common ground we share and how much difference actually exists between us.
After the studies we went to see Veronica. She seems unchanged in some ways and yet different in one most important way. The old spark, the joy, the zeal for life that she manifested in the early years when we were in the church together seemed diminished. Perhaps I only saw her after a long day at work, but I cannot help but think there is more to it. She received us with gladness and was extremely happy to see how Ben had grown. She also listened when I tried to talk to her again about her soul and the eternal destinies that await us after this life is over. I spoke of the need that her children have to know God... and to know the truth. We left after our short visit there and returned at last to our apartment. We have only one more day here in Pitesti. We will begin studies at Florena's again sometime after 10 AM on Friday.
in Him,
Alan, Ben and Liviu
Hey Alan! Just read your latest post, and I am happy that you feel that you may have some progress with the penicostal preacher. I really hope you can get him to go somewhere with the Bible. I will continue to pray for you, Ben, Liviu, Florena, and everyone that you have touched with the message of God. Well, since it's Thursday evening here, I guess it's Friday morning over there, so Good Morning!!! miss you.
~Kaitlin : )
Bless your heart - as Wayne would say. Good work is rarely easy, but always rewarded in God's own way.
We've so enjoyed your best thing to being there. Prayers and love stay with you, dear one.
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