Friday morning

It is morning here... Friday, my last day in Pitesti. It has been a busy three weeks. The seed has been sown. Whether there will be a harvest or not remains to be determined. Already there is one soul in Pitesti who has turned her heart back to God. She is an open door for the gospel in this area. I remain impressed with the manner in which Florena Predescu has opened her house to us and brought her friends to study with us.
Looking at the situation from a strategic point of view, Pitesti has always been a good place to begin a work in the gospel. There have been efforts in the past to preach the gospel here. Florena is the result of such efforts and she is indeed a Christian. She has to travel every Sunday to be with Christians in order to worship. It is a journey she makes faithfully. How much the better if she would have brethren here in this city with whom to worship and serve God.
This weekend I will be in Bucuresti. Next Tuesday we will return home. It is my fervent prayer that in all parts of Romania the gospel will be preached and good hearts will be found. May God send forth workers into His harvest.
in Him,
Hello Alan,
I look forward to the news about your work in Romania. Indeed much seed has been sown. I thank God for the open hearts you have met. I pray that others will follow you to water the seed.
Looking forward to your return to Morgantown.
Have a safe and uneventful trip home. Thank you all for your good work. Peace be with you. Dave
Hello Alan,
I'm Adriana.
I'm glad that you come in Romania to work with christians. Is wonderful to do this. God is proud of you and Liviu and Ben and certainty He is blessing you.
Hey Alan. I'm gald you've had success there. it's really encouraging that there are still faithful Christians in the world. Give my greetings to Ben and Liviu. May God continue to bless you!
~Kaitlin : )
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