Final preparations

As the last few days hurry by me, preparations are in full swing. I have packed most of my bags. I am preparing for a month of living out of a suitcase and it is my hope that I will not have to wash clothes while I am gone. However, such is wishful thinking as I do not think I can carry enough socks to get by for a whole month. I could always turn them inside out and wear them twice. hmmm
I have forgone the usual temptation to take a suitcase of familiar foods, as there is plenty of food in Romania. The prospect of eating sarmale, mititei and mamaliga again makes me want to hurry, but the schedule is set and there will be no rushing now. Soon enough I will be there, Lord willing. In place of foodstores I plan to take blank CD's (about 200) with the hope of compiling and distributing teaching materials in the Romanian language. The main presentation will be a lesson entitled "Have You Died With Christ?" - Ai Murit Cu Hristos?
My goal in teaching in Romania is not to proselyte people AWAY from Orthodoxy. Rather, I will seek to call honest hearts back to God, back to the original orthodoxy found in the teachings of the New Testament. I have found that those who are weary of a life of darkness respond favorably to the light the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will be seeking to be a bearer of good tidings to those who seek salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.