powerpoint in the park

Sunday - October 15, 2005
Romania report - 10-14-2006 - ABW
It is late Saturday night and I am preparing for bed. It has been a long day, a long week - but, a profitable one in many ways. James and I have been working some each day in the parks, trying to present the gospel to those who are willing to watch a powerpoint presentation on "how to become a Christian."
On Friday we presented the presentation several times to different young people. They showed great interest and with one small group we even had an opportunity to read Ecclesiastes 12 and examine Solomon's conclusion on the purpose of life. Today we talked with a Jehovah's witness and then later, to a young couple who were Baptist / Pentecostal. They showed tremendous interest in what we were doing and I hope to get in touch with them again soon.
We have been handing out a flyer that says we will be studying "Jacob's ladder" on Sunday. That is what I plan to teach if visitors come... and perhaps even if it is only the brethren from the church here. It is an encouraging lesson from several perspectives.
I have been busy almost all the time since I have been here in Constanta. Friday morning I decided to try to catch the sunrise on the Black Sea. I succeeded and got a few pictures. More than that I met a young couple who were there early in the morning and they gave me their email address. Since I have been here I have been taking pictures of people and then if they will give me an email address, I will send them the picture. It is a way to make a contact and perhaps something good will come of it. So far I have sent pictures to a couple who were just married, a couple who had a labrador retriever puppy (I took the picture of the puppy), a young couple who saw the same sunrise I saw and a couple of young girls who watched the powerpoint presentation and asked a lot of questions.
The weather here has been extremely pleasant for October. The days have been sunny and this has allowed us to be in the park with the laptop. They have been saying it will rain, but it has not so far. I think maybe next week we will see a change in the weather. It is already getting colder here just in the last few days. I expect that sometime things will turn cold and wet.
Today I had an opportunity to play some basketball with some of the locals. It was interesting and I enjoyed the exercise. It was good to be able to get out a little bit just to relax. Tomorrow (Sunday) will start a new week and I expect there will be little time to relax.
I appreciate the encouragement from those of you who write. I wish I could reply to all of your letters in detail, but I do not have such a ready access to email. I am using James' computer when I am there at his house, but I just sign on and check the mail and sign off pretty quick. I send short notes when I can. I guess we will just have to talk when I get home.
Next week I plan to make a quick trip back to Falfani for a day. Wednesday is the 50th wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Tanase. The family has asked me to do a ceremony for them - to renew their vows - and this will give me another opportunity to teach there. One of their daughters from Spain is home visiting. I hope to be able to talk to her about the gospel while I am there.
I will be back in Constanta Thursday for the Bible study and for the series on teaching that we have planned for Friday and Saturday. Then the following Sunday will be my last before I go to Bucuresti... and then home.
Keep us all in your prayers.
in Him,
So busy! Hoping the lesson on Jacob's ladder went well, sure it did. We will love to see the pictures when you return home. Happy 50th to the Tanase's! Wow! That's just wonderful. What an honor for you to be a part of their celebration. Keep safe and know that you are in our prayers, Nina and Bill
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