more studies - in Constanta

Romania 10-12-2006 report ABW
I watched the sun rise over the buildings in Constanta today. It was a good start to what I hope will be another good day here in Constanta. Yesterday was special.
James and I returned to the park yesterday to talk with people about the gospel. I set up my laptop with a presentation on "how to become a Christian". Because this presentation was considerably shorter than the one I had used previously, I was able to show it three times to different people. Each time I had a good reaction from those who viewed it. I want to say that I appreciate James and the way he gets the names and contact information from the people who show interest. I feel that his presence is essential to this kind of work for many reasons. I am glad that he is with me in the park.
We did have an interesting discussion with an Adventist in the park during our final presentation. I was teaching a young lady that James had invited to view the presentation when an older man walked up and wanted to teach her about the sabbath. The discussion was warm (not heated) and very contradictory, as we did not agree on the matter of sabbath keeping today. Near the end of our discussion I asked him if he was willing to debate the issue in a public forum and he said he would get back to me. We will see if he will call.
Tonight I am planning to teach a lesson on the subject of "God's commands". I am working on translating the outline and presentation so that these materials can remain here in the hands of the brethren. I can see how that good teaching material translated into the Romanian language will be of long term benefit to the work here. I want to do as much as I can while I am here.
Last night the men from the church in Constanta gathered together and we studied the subject of "holiness". I tried to compare the way that God had called the Levites to service in the OT and the manner in which they were sanctified and expected to sanctify God in the eyes of the people - with the manner in which Christians are supposed to live today. Without sanctification we will not see God - Hebrews 12:14. Near the end of the lesson I tried to encourage them to be strong in the face of the coming challenges. I exhorted them to be resolved to work hard after James will leave - and to recognize that even though the church may be small in number, when God is with us everything will work out for good.
Now that the sun is high in the morning sky, let me close this report and finish my translation. Then it is back to the park (we will try a different park today). I am so looking forward to being there again. May God arrange it to put us together with those who have a heart searching for truth.
in Him,
May Son light be yours through all your work. And bless you for taking on all the challenges! Peni
The weather has turned very cold here- hope it isn't too cold in the park! But know that will be now hindrance to you! God bless! Nina and Bill
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