passing through Bucuresti
Romania - October 5, 2006 - a report
It is early monring in Bucuresti and I am awake. I will go to Constanta today on the train and the brethren there have their midweek Bible study on Thursday night. I am looking forward to being with them this evening and for the next few weeks.
Yesterday I traveled from Falfani to Pitesti, then from there to Bucuresti. I visited with the brethren here in Bucuresti during their midweek Bible study. Afterward I spent some time with Liviu. We talked some about the condition of the churches here in Romania.
It is my hope to be able to build up the faith of the brethren in Romania. I believe that I had a good opportunity to do such in both Falfani and Pitesti. I was encouraged by the faith that I found there, even though the number of Christians is extremely small, their tenacious approach to faith was encouraging even to me. t was my joy to spend a few days in Falfani with the Tanase family. Elena and her mother, Ana, are good examples of what the power of God's Word can do in the hearts of men and women who are willing to believe. The care they give to Vasile Tanase will make his last days a joy, as he is so loved and cared for by his children. I thank God that faith has come to this place and that the power of God has worked in this family to bring sons of God out of darkness toward a glory that awaits the faithful.
In retrospect the time spent in Pitesti was well spent, even if there was too little of it (time). I was there to teach Bible studies for three days (Saturday, Monday and Tuesday). It seemed as if Florena Predescu's house was a "grand central station" as people came and went continually. I had studies with young people and old people, with orthodox and "pocaiti" (baptists and pentecostals) and even with those who had no faith at all. I believe that anyone who will go to Pitesti to work in the gospel will find many opportunities to study with the help of Florena, as she is very involved in trying to bring the gospel to her city. Maybe God has opened a door in this place. Who will enter in

As I reflect on the work here in Bucuresti, there remain a few Christians who are willing to speak to me and accept me here as their brother. I am always encouraged by Cezar and the way he receives me with warmth and friendship. He is an older man who has only a little time left here in this world. But, through his faith in Jesus Christ he has a better hope for the next life. Liviu is so young and yet, so mature in many ways. He was converted at a tender age (still a teenager), but has developed into a young man who has committed himself to serving God in his life. He told me of his decision to change jobs so that he would be able to attend Bible study on Wednesday nights. I am always impressed with the level of commitment and growth that I see in him. Of the others only Angela showed some measure of sincere welcome to see me visit here in Bucuresti. I am grateful for her and for the faith she has in God. I am grateful always to still be remembered by some for the work that I did here in the past. I hope the work in Bucuresti will prosper spiritually and that all will be diligent in their faith to serve God with sincerity and commitment.
I do not know what I will find in Constanta and I am looking forward to being with the brethren there tonight. It is my desire to find a way to strengthen the faith of the brethren there, especially in the light of the challenges that they will soon face. James Hamilton has been there for quite a few years and the church meets in his home. He will be leaving Romania in January of 2007 and it is my understanding that he will sell the house. I am sure that the brethren there are concerned for their future and what they will do when James is gone. I hope to be able to encourage them all to stand fast in their faith and to hold the small congregation together in the face of whatever comes their way. We will see what will be.
As for me I feel good to be here. I am able to communicate with the people and it feels good personally to be able to teach again in the Romanian language. I realize that my language skills here are not perfect, but they are more than adequate. I am able to teach directly without a translator and this alone enables me to speak directly to the hearts of the people who are willing to study with me.
There was one study in particular where I was trying to teach an older lady about the subject of baptism. She had been baptized in the Baptist church here and did not want to hear anything that would suggest that her baptism might not be "adequate". As we began she was very defensive and even offended that anyone would suggest that maybe the baptism she had submitted to was NOT according to scripture. Slowly as the discussion unfolded and the scriptures were opened, she began to see how baptism is a "new birth" wherein one receives forgiveness of sins and comes out of the water with a new life. To my mind the study was like peeling back layers of misunderstanding to arrive at simple truth of God. In the end she thanked me for helping her understand better this truth of God. I pray that the gospel will not only lead her to a better understanding, but that she will make a full commitment to serving God in truth without compromising the pure gospel with the doctrines of men. Even as we talked and as I explained that the scriptures alone will only produce Christians, whereas other doctrines of men - and traditions of men - must be added to the gospel to get a Baptist, Orthodox, pentecostal or Catholic. Her reply that my approach was not practical, as there are so many different churches. I responded by showing her in the scriptures where Jesus said he would build just one - His own church, his body. That is where we left it in our study.
I will close today by saying that I am grateful for the opportunity to speak with people here about Jesus Christ. It seems that my first week has been profitable and I am looking forward to several more weeks of Bible studies and classes. May God be glorified in our efforts to serve Him.
In Him,
It is so good to hear of your good works! I can just see you now- opening God's word and proving Him there. I have never seen anyone do this more... clearly and simply- I know my dad has said this often, also. You are so very capable and I know that the Lord will make a gift offering of you to the souls of Romanina. Our love and best, Bill and Nina
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